Our non-profit ministry is privileged to serve thousands of different churches with the video content on RightNow Media. As we evaluate the kind of content to make available on RightNow Media, we strongly consider these two things:
1. Does the content agree with the core essentials of the Christian faith?
We strive to find content and teachers that align with the essentials of the faith. God exists eternally as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Bible is the Word of God. Salvation is received by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ. Our full doctrinal statement can be found here.
2. Does the content match with the themes our team feels passionate about?
Since we are committed to helping people avoid compartmentalising their faith to just a Sunday morning experience, we love to help pastors and church leaders equip and unleash their people. Instead of outsourcing their spiritual growth to the pastor, we believe all believers can intentionally live out their faith at home, in their neighbourhoods, and around the world. Read more about the nine themes we value in the section below.

We recognise that the churches we serve come from different denominations and traditions. We are not a cause-based ministry and therefore will avoid making one social issue or political cause our main focus. Instead, the RightNow Leadership Team takes into consideration the two questions above and ultimately decides based on what we believe would be most helpful to the churches we serve. In order to respect the theological traditions of the churches we serve, we have built curation tools into RightNow Media so church leaders can filter content available to church members.
We love the local church and love to see Christians live out their faith. We pray that God would use this content to transform the way people engage the world for Christ.